Sunday, October 21, 2012

Moving to days

Today I made the transition to dayshift. Normally I work graveyard, mainly because I'm not a morning person. My body clock is and has always been between 8 and 12 hours shifted from what most people call 'normal'. I slept fine last night, and got plenty of sleep, but was tired when I awoke and am still tired right now - a good 4 hours after initially waking up. At least today is sunday and I don't have to worry about dealing with people too much. Tomorrow will be worse - the lights will be on and I'll have people around me, making noise and talking and whatnot. Because of that I can't drown them out with music, at least not unless I put in some earphones. It's just a pain all the way around.

The only real saving grace is that the family is also on normal time, so I'll get to spend more time with them as well. At least I'm thinking that will be a good thing...hope it just doesn't mean more fights. I guess we'll see, won't we?

Monday, October 8, 2012

More going on...

The more going on about me over a year ago was due to severe depression. At that time, I had been unemployed for over 2 years, my mom died a couple of months before, all of my kids had come to live with me (which was a good thing, but it was a BIG change), and my girlfriend and I were almost broken up. Due to all of that, I pretty much forgot about this and my volvogeek blog. Right now I'm taking a facebook hiatus so I feel like I need to express myself in SOME way, and since I have this, why not, right?

Since then, I reconnected with an ex-gf of mine and we started dating again, the kids have all adjusted, dogs have been acquired - as have a gaggle of lizards, and most importantly, I now has a job again! It's not a great job, but it allowed me to go back to school for a couple of terms due to the schedule. I'm not sure how I feel about school as a whole anymore at this point in my life, but I did enjoy it. Job is working graveyard shift, 6:30pm to 6:30am Sun-Tues and every other Sat, and mainly it's just monitoring things in case they go bad and provide support to the groups that own machines. Not many machines though, so it's really very easy and very boring. But at least it pays well and I've got insurance as well for all of the kids, so bonus.

Lots has gone on since all of that, but it's mainly boring day-to-day stuff that could probably be best found via facebook, so update yourself there and I'll put more interesting things here from now on.