Thursday, May 6, 2021

Change of Plans

 Well that was short-lived. After a couple of forays into the current housing market, we found that we are WOEFULLY unprepared for what's happening at the moment. People are getting 20-30 offers, and then the house is going for 100k over asking. So we're stepping back from that for a moment and working on the current house.

Plans are now to do some quality-of-life upgrades to the place, move some stuff around, and paint. Probably replace flooring. Soundproofing. Finish perimeter surveillance system. Fix the shed storage situation and get the stuff from the storage unit back into the shed. Maybe finally install the wired ethernet outlets I've been planning for years, and get a networking rack going. Just enough projects to (hopefully) ride out this bubble and get a plan in place to move, with this place nicely upgraded to give us a little more capital to get into something suitable.

On the game streaming front, I recently changed my work schedule - I'm still working from home though - and that sorta interrupted plans for that. I just finished week 3 of the new schedule and we're still not really 100% on our daily routine. It's put us both off JUST enough that we're having a hard time adjusting and figuring out what we should be doing on off-times. I still plan on making that happen, but I need to get myself sorted with my schedule so I can get it done on a regular basis.

On another note, I got myself jabbed with the Pfizer Covid Vaccine today (Sunday May 2nd). For a couple of hours my arm didn't even hurt, but it's been 3 now and it's just starting to get sore. One of my co-workers got the Pfizer recently, and he had what you'd consider 2nd-shot symptoms on the first shot. I hope tomorrow isn't any worse, but knowing my luck I'll be sick and out of commission for my weekend. :(

I got distracted (read: tipsy) and didn't finish this, and then the next day I was a both a little hungover and a smidge under the weather due to the vaccine. It wasn't horrible, but I didn't get much of anything done. With the house project happening above, not doing anything on my day off is a big hit to the productivity front. I've been trying to get *something* house related accomplished most days. I'm writing this paragraph like 4 days after the one above and since then I've gotten new motion sensor lighting installed around the outside of the house, preliminary lighting installed in the den with a tasmota-flashed sonoff, and a good plan in place for all of the other things. 

 I attempted to go to the storage unit and grab some stuff that I'd packed away that I NOW realize I need for the house upgrades, but the alternator in the Outback finally died on me and I didn't even make it out of the neighborhood. That was an adventure. You wouldn't think that it'd be so bad to charge up the battery just enough to drive a whole 500m, but let me tell you - when you're sitting next to the car with another car and jumper cables attached, a single minute feels like 10. I didn't even close the hood because I didn't feel like I had the time in the battery to waste, and I didn't even make it that 500m. I had to push the last 50-100m. But got it back to the house and have an alternator ordered. This weekend will be BUSY.